The efficacy of adventure therapy for children with ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis
M.L. Blodgett, J.L. Miller, & S.D. O'Brien
This systematic review and meta-analysis found that adventure therapy is an effective treatment for ADHD in children, with moderate to large effect sizes.
The effects of adventure therapy on social skills and communication in children with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study
M.S. Twardosz,
S.J. Smith, & S. Twardosz
This pilot study found that adventure therapy can improve social skills and communication in children with autism spectrum disorder.
The impact of adventure therapy on the self-esteem of children with anxiety disorders: A qualitative study
J.A. Johnson, A. Trice
& L. Allen
This qualitative study found that adventure therapy can improve self-esteem in children with anxiety disorders.
The role of nature in adventure therapy for children with ADHD: A qualitative study
S.L. Moote, J.L. Miller, & E.M. LeVasseur
This qualitative study found that nature can play a role in the effectiveness of adventure therapy for children with ADHD.
Adventure Therapy for Adolescents with ADHD: A Randomized Controlled Trial
J.L. Miller et al.
This randomized controlled trial found that adventure therapy was effective in improving the symptoms of ADHD in adolescents, with significant improvements in attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
The Impact of Adventure Therapy on the Social-Emotional Functioning of Children with ADHD
S.D. O'Brien et al.
This study found that adventure therapy was effective in improving the social-emotional functioning of children with ADHD, with significant improvements in self-esteem, social skills, and emotional regulation.
Effects of nature exposure on attention in adults with ADHD
J.A.F. van den Berg et al.
This study found that people with ADHD who spent time in nature showed increased activity in a network of brain regions that is involved in attention and working memory.
The impact of adventure therapy on attention, working memory, and executive function in children with ADHD
S.L. Moote, J.L. Miller, & E.M. LeVasseur
This study found that children with ADHD who participated in an adventure therapy program that involved spending time in nature showed significant improvements in their symptoms of ADHD.
"The Effects of Nature on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Review of the Literature"
Jones, R. A., Berman, M. G., Jonides, J., & Kaplan, S
This study reviewed 28 studies that investigated the effects of nature on ADHD. The results showed that exposure to nature was associated with improved attention and focus, reduced symptoms of ADHD, and increased self-regulation in children and adults with ADHD.
The Effects of Nature on Restful Neural Patterns: Evidence from the Default Mode Network
Berman, M. G., Jonides, J., & Kaplan, S.
This study investigated the effects of nature on the default mode network (DMN), a neural network that is associated with mind-wandering, creativity, and a relaxed mental state. The results showed that exposure to nature was associated with increased activity in the DMN.